"If you don't know where you're going, any road will lead there." Fred S. Goldberg (with apologies to Lewis Carroll)
I needed a year -- only 12 scant months -- to jump into the blogosphere. I needed time to think. As you know, I'm big on thinking. But, I've never been a big fan of analysis paralysis.
Makes me wonder now if this protracted process revealed something about my progressing age. No mistake about it, I'm an unapologetic proponent of strategic planning. Big on getting up-front facts to improve and inform decision-making. And, I've been paid a pile of money to behave that way in bizness.
Equivocation has never been my favorite flavor. As a career marketer, I've generally always known what to make, who to make it for, and how to tell them about it. And, fairly quickly. Good 'ol blend of "gut says" and "brain says." But....(and it's a "big" but), I don't really know what I'm doing here. I don't know where I'm going. I'm only more confused by more advice.
Sounds like I need a plan.
I'm constrained because I'm not yet convinced that I care that much about knowing what I don't know. Blissful ignorance never felt so welcome. Obviously, all that time thinking about it didn't shine any light of clarity on the situation. I have read my share of rambling, stumbling, bumbling blogs; so, perhaps it's just the nature of the Beast. It feels like diary, journal, one-way therapy, legal experimentation, and composition practice in a single, virtually-packaged box.
If that's what it is, then it can only be disciplined to the extent that the rest of my consciousness can be corralled on a daily basis. And, these days, that's not much.
I'm a prototypical Baby Boomer in America -- with the quasi-empty-nest syndrome, career reinvention, new family business start-up, and too many unread books to read. Too many fish to fry. Too many pigs to fly.
So, I may not know where I'm going. But, I know where I am. And, compared to the alternative, that ain't bad.
1 comment:
I'm not quite why I'm doing it, either, but several people tell me I'm interesting and it 's great fun to off load all that 'stuff' in your head into the cyberspere and see what happens! And somehow, putting your thoughts into a blog makes you understand them better, or is that just me? Writing on paper never had that effect, just gave me writers cramp.
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