"deense wins championships look at at miami when they were on top. If ucla will rise they need balance on bolth sides. Not to mention a recruting master ike dw. If walker leaves ucl will suffer. I don't know of a coach like walker that has tuned a defense around in no time." Actual post by Proud UCLA graduate, known as "PassitionNLove," reproduced exactly as written on the BRO football forum (BruinReportOnline.com)
"sometimes, the attack ad just writes itself...." Cable news broadcaster upon learning about Obama campaign's use of Britney Spears set designer for Invesco Field acceptance speech
I'm still watching the first Saturday of college football in the 2008 season, and I'm at that point where I can only flip between Bama-Clemson (because it's the ABC primetime game) and Cal-Michigan State on ESPN Game Plan, Channel 423 (because SC will play Cal eventually at the Coliseum). The other reason to do this is to see (and hear) Kirk Herbstreit and appreciate his boffo tie selection for today. Of course, I must endure Brent Musburger to accomplish this, but I have decided that it's worth it. Too bad the Cal game wasn't big enough for Brent's services this week, because he always says the nicest things about the Berkeley Tree Sitters outside Memorial Stadium. Thanks, Pardner!!
Before I started this little blog thing, I traded e-mails and Facebook messages with fellow college fans around the country -- and, not just those people who also cheer for my team. But, I'm transferring all thoughts, ideas, and observations to this site going forward. Just so you know - it's for the sake of the economy.
Incidentally, since Meredith is working at Chick-fil-A today, 3 to 9 p.m., I've really enjoyed all the Chick commercials -- especially the one where the cows turn on the lights in the (almost) deserted office building to form the words "Eat Mor Chikin." Indeed. Mark and I did our part in the second quarter of the SC game, thanks to Meredith's employee discount. It was also Free Brownie Day. An SC win 3,000 miles from home and a free brownie, all in the same day -- doesn't get much better than that!
I won't wait until the bRUINS take on Tennessee at home to post my thoughts about USC/Virginia. I had been torn between the idea of a streaming blog during the game and a post-game comment post. I decided on the post-game variety, but need some time to digest what I just saw. Cuz, I saw a lot....
I checked into WeAreSC.com to take the temperature of the faithful, and was delighted to see that someone has connected a Flying Pig to a Frozen Hell as the means by which UCLA will obtain the Los Angeles football monopoly discussed last time. My only comment on the photo device is that the Flying Pig is too small.
It must be noted that, in pursuit of said monopoly, about 65,000 tickets had been sold by yesterday to the big UCLA shebangie at the Rose Bowl. Which can hold about 100,000 peeps. So, they must be saving up their enthusiasm for a non-holiday weekend. About 65,000 people is the same number who remain on any cloudless January 1 day after USC dismantles whichever Big 10 opponent the higher-ups have assigned them. For a frame of reference, please refer to the 2008 demolition of Illinois in the second half.
See ya later, Gators; and Tigers, Wahoos, Huskers, Bears, Bulldogs et al. Oh my.
All I can do is chuckle at your post! Could only get updates from my 13 year old at home, as I was tied up in parental duties with the eldest (volleyball tournament, where his beloved was playing). Don and I left the event briefly for lunch, where we headed to a sports bar and could only watch the game until half time!
I'm not feeling a lot of "nice game" spirit here. It's nice to win but I'm not sure we really can look forward to Vince Lombardi suddenly appearing on the fifty yard line in the middle of a game in mid November. Maybe I'm wrong but they are kids and it's just a game.
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