"...You ought to see
All your heroes in me
But if we get wise
We can break the walls we make
And you can see in my eyes
Whatever we imagine."
James Ingram, 1983
It was in the back of my brain, somewhere. I knew it would show itself sooner or later.
About 10 o'clock last night, I was brushing my teeth and -- Voila! (Or for all you former Potlatch team members - Viola!)
I'm now considering the possibility that I might do my best thinking over the sink, spinning toothbrush in hand. That I've made the connection between toothpaste and memory revitalization potentially signals a veritable floodgate of recall.
Sammy Pinkerton. That blond, blue-eyed boy I wrote about in yesterday's post. I did a Google search for him this morning, and found a Sam Pinkerton from Lakeland, Florida on the LinkedIn page. That's either his son or some other, unrelated Sam Pinkerton. Either that, or Sammy has managed only four years of work experience since being born in 1956.
No pictures of Sammy, Sam, or any other Pinkerton not currently living in Scotland or Ireland to present. But, imagination survives the truth. A Google search for a blond, blue-eyed boy offered the above option. Close enough.
I wonder where all my little Duck and Cover classmates are today. There's a good chance that most of them are still in Florida. Now, I only go to Florida on business. Lately, not so much.
Nevertheless, I consider this subject resolved, at least to the best of my recollection.
On October 11, I warned all three of my readers that I was about to diverge significantly in tone and subject matter from my little blog thingy. After all, it's been My Blog Thingy all along. It's just a place to practice writing. I'm not trying to change minds or hearts. Although, I could decide to try to do that at sometime in the future.
Currently, I can write whatever I want to write. That could change. But, until it does, I will continue to write whatever I want to write. The good news for everybody else is that nobody has to read it.
Sometimes we float along and think that things will just be OK if we exercise the power of positive thinking. But, sometimes, bad things really do happen. To suggest that they will happen certainly does not mean that I hope they will happen. Or, that if I worry about them, they are bound to happen because I'm acting petulant and unhappy and have willed them to reality.
But, I've definitely been floating. Took my country for granted. Took my fought-for-in-blood freedom for granted.
No more.
So, dear reader(s), feel free to read and digest. Or, read and discard. Or, don't read. It doesn't make a difference to me. If it hasn't been my goal to make anyone uncomfortable, perhaps I should reevaluate that decision and really go for it.
Things nobody will find here: dirty words, dirty pictures, hysterical headlines at the masthead to pulse the blood pressure.
Remember, I'm a self-described cockeyed optimist. It's never been in my nature to assume the worst. So, that should tell you something.
"And if it seem evil unto you to serve the Lord, choose ye this day whom ye will serve...but as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord." Joshua 24:15
Does this mean you are going to have very clean teeth? Anytime you want to think about something or remember something, grab the toothbrush!
Maybe -- wouldn't be the worst thing, huh?! Cleanliness, all around!!
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