“Sark’s rise is a testament of the success of this program and how it gives everyone better opportunities down the road,” Carroll said. “This is a great place for guys to coach and advance and create their own dreams.”
Sarkisian is the fourth USC assistant to move on to a head coaching position during Carroll’s eight years with the Trojans. Nick Holt went to Idaho before returning to USC, Ed Orgeron headed to Mississippi and Lane Kiffin led the NFL’s Raiders for a year-plus and now coaches at Tennessee.
“We will always do everything to give all of our guys — both coaches and players — better opportunities to succeed down the road,” Carroll said. “That is why we’re all extremely proud of Sark and excited for his future as a head coach.”
http://www.uscripsit.com/ - 12/6/08
I didn't think that ESPN and the Athletic Director at Washington would leak Steve Sarkisian's name as Ty Willingham's replacement if it wasn't true. Given my frustration over lack of offensive production this season, I had really mixed feelings about it anyway.
But, now that the rumor has been confirmed tonight, it left me feeling a bit sad. I'm not worried about the program finding a great replacement for him. I'm not concerned that recruiting will be affected much. And, I'm not particularly concerned that he will be coaching in the same conference with USC.
No, my thoughts turned to one person I never want to lose. Of course, that would be our cooler-than-hip maestro - Pete Carroll.
Some supporters will worry that "nothing will be the same" without Sarkisian. Many people still believe that nothing has been the same since Norm Chow left. Seeing Norm Chow in UCLA blue remains very disturbing. But, the game result at the Rose Bowl today demonstrated that the Tao of Chow is little to nothing without the right athletes to channel it.
Besides, nothing has been the same since a lot of people left. For any team, that's the nature of the beast. Who can argue that anything has been the same since (fill-in-the-blank) left?
Still, I wonder what it feels like to be the one left behind all the time. Sure, a great deal of satisfaction must grow from watching all the players go to their next steps -- NFL, grad school, jobs, whatever. To populate college and professional teams around the country with people you helped while they contributed to your success. It's not that different from being a parent, except that Empty Nest Syndrome is draped all over you, all the time. I don't think I could take it.
Anyway, I'll join all my fellow Trojan fans in showing all the love I can for the one person who is completely indispensible. At least, from all appearances. Pete must know that the potential exists for his personal legacy to go beyond this particular program right into a Bill Walsh-like Coaching Tree. A one-man farm system for the football universe.
Thanks again for the home & home jerseys today -- we didn't have HDTV the last time we saw it. The sight of those uniforms on real grass in high definition was special. Our little fan base here at home stood and clapped with the rest of the crowd when the flag was thrown. We clapped louder when Neuheisel took his time out in return.
I thought Mike Patrick of ESPN/ABC had the quote of the day on the matter: "You turn on the TV, and you know who you're watching."
I'm closing out the week here with two more 70's tunes straight out of memory -- from my old 78 rpm collection. Dedicated to my favorite football coach on the planet. Fight On, Pete -- Fight ON!!!
#8 Cashbox - May, 1970
Friends of Distinction:
1970 Emmy's Song of the Year - Delfonics:
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