John Emerich Edward Dalberg-Acton, 1st Baron Acton, a.k.a. Lord Acton; 1834-1902

Wow, has it ever been a long week. Friday always brings a certain level of exhaustion with it, regardless of whatever Monday through Thursday demanded. But, this particular Friday feels like it took a month to get here.
I suppose the weather is partly to blame. We've had every one of the four seasons in residence at some point during the week, ending this afternoon on a cold, gloomy note. More emblematic of the winter promised by the calendar. On the day after all the remaining snow and ice from the last storm finally melted away, we're told to prepare for more. No problem.
I might find myself spending the day indoors tomorrow, but I will have plenty of laundry to keep me busy. I know what I won't be doing. Any television channel set to broadcast anything about the nation or the world is going to get the old, heave-ho tomorrow.
I'm checking out. I'm dropping out of the system. I've had enough. I don't want to hear another word about stimulus, which is actually French for taxandspendit.
I don't want to hear another word about childish things, including such phrases as: "Na-na-na-NA-na, I WON!"
I don't want to hear another word about cards. Race cards, gender victim cards, plot cards, fear cards.
I don't want to hear yet another story about a really rich person somewhere on the East Coast who rants and raves about our healthcare system, but employs illegal aliens or immigrants for cash and doesn't provide health insurance. Or, only pays their back taxes because they are a designated Cabinet member and must go before a Senate Subcommittee. And, then blames Turbo Tax for oversights dating back seven years.
Time to bake more cupcakes.
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