"I think we're still better than the way we played."
Bob Stoops, Chokelahoma Head Coach
It's getting to be an old saw. After each of five consecutive BCS Bowl losses now, we don't even need to watch the post-game news conference. At least, not on the Oklahoma side. We already know what Bob will say.
It's not that they can be better. It's that they played in a conference this season that was way overrated. The BCS computers gave them a bunch of style points. Just like they get a bunch of style points every year. They don't face any real defenses in their conference, so their very inexperienced quarterback can post hysterically high numbers and win the Heisman Trophy in an upset. Of the guy on the winning side of whatever contest they're in next.
I was looking for a snoozer in the BCS title game tonight, and I wasn't disappointed. Oh sure, there were a few good offensive plays. All on Florida's side of the line. That shouldn't have surprised anyone who was really paying attention this year. Or, paying attention to the results of the more important post-season bowls.
Utah beat a high profile team in Alabama and went undefeated. Their conference continues to be disrespected. So, they don't get the necessary style points to advance to the BCS title game, even with an undefeated season.
USC plays in a disrespected conference. They don't get enough style points during the season to advance to the BCS title game. Unless they go undefeated. Which, they could have done this year. But, didn't again. Their disrespected conference went 5-0 in post-season bowl games.
It's time to blow up the BCS. It isn't working. Period. Lee Corso said today that USC is #1, and the BCS title game is for #2. Hey, as a partisan, I like that sentiment very much. But, we all know that every school in Division I agrees to the BCS rules every year and must live with the outcome regardless of what transpires as the games unfold.
Some people may think that this constant arguing about who is the best and which game or games should determine who is the best when a bunch of teams have "identical" records is good for the sport. To bring lots of attention and dialogue to the situation.
Me? I think the whole mess just disrespects the sport of college football more than any particular school. All the other scholarship programs, whether or not they are revenue sports, use a post-season tournament to crown their NCAA champions. Why should the most loved and followed sport among them settle for less??!
These players and these coaches deserve better.
I was rooting for Florida only because I thought they were more deserving of advancing to the title game of the two teams.
But, tell the truth. After USC turned Penn State into hamburger meat last week, wouldn't you now like to see USC play Florida. Next?
Yeah, baby. Fight ON!
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